Miscellaneous Game Doodles 04

More miscellaneous game character doodles. Here, clockwise from the top-left, we have the Protagonist from Persona 3 (twice), Ness from EarthBound, Sonic, Viewtiful Joe, and a caravan of characters from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (on GameCube).
Made using: SketchBook Pro and a tablet
SBP Doodles 10

Just miscellaneous characters of mine, characters I made up off the top of my head for no reason, a few doodles of Link, and a doodle of EL in the top-right there.
Made using: SketchBook Pro and a tablet
More miscellaneous game character doodles. Here, clockwise from the top-left, we have the Protagonist from Persona 3 (twice), Ness from EarthBound, Sonic, Viewtiful Joe, and a caravan of characters from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (on GameCube).
Made using: SketchBook Pro and a tablet
SBP Doodles 10
Just miscellaneous characters of mine, characters I made up off the top of my head for no reason, a few doodles of Link, and a doodle of EL in the top-right there.
Made using: SketchBook Pro and a tablet