Aug 19, 2012

Gravity Rush doodle

Gravity Rush doodle
Gravity Rush 01 wm

Kat from Gravity Rush.
There's a ton wrong with this picture and I can't draw legs or arms or hands or anything to save my life. (If anyone has any pointers I'd appreciate it greatly.) Makes it seem more obvious why I usually draw characters with the baggiest and most concealing clothing possible.
Not that I'd draw more characters with this attire either. Because this outfit is pretty stupid. But it was a fun game and a fun character.
I need to start drawing more often or I'll never get any better at this.
Made using: SketchBook Pro and a tablet

Aug 13, 2012

Link run cycle

Link run cycle

Link from the Wind Waker.
A really quick practice loop. It's really messy and things change proportions and sizes, but I was just messing around for practice. My animation process is horribly inefficient, even for the simplest things, so I need to work on it.
Made using: Flash and a tablet

Aug 11, 2012

Rhythm Heaven animation loop

DJ School Flash animation loop
A Flash animation made in the style of the DJ School game in Rhythm Heaven (DS). I was GOING to use this as an animated ID on deviantArt, but then I found out that the site doesn't let you use Flash for that, and then I found out that they don't even let you use reasonably-sized GIFs, and THEN I found out they don't let you use animated images at all. So... damn it. That's the entire reason I was doing this.

Oh well.
Here it is anyway.

Here's the specific game it was based on:

Aug 2, 2012

Doodles 15

 Doodles 15
Doodles 23 01.00 wm

Some miscellaneous doodles. Mostly just random characters that don't have any significance, though there is also fan art in there, in the form of Link from the Wind Waker and Shizune from Katawa Shoujo (top-center and top-right respectively).
Made using: Flash, SketchBook Pro, and a tablet