Jun 28, 2012

Persona 3 doodle

Persona 3
Persona 3 02.00 wm


A really quick thing of Persona 3's silent and nameless protagonist.
I think Persona 3 and 4 win the awards for "most unbelievably surprising and uncharacteristic games for me to end up liking".

If you had described them to me on paper there is no way I'd play them. "A grind-heavy randomly-generated dungeoncrawler with dating sim elements that is dripping in Japanese culture with a J-pop-heavy soundtrack." Almost everything I would normally despise in a game.

It's honestly a miracle I like these games as much as I do. I think it helps that the stories and characters are extremely well-thought-out and genuine, and they have such a unique sense of style.
Made using: SketchBook Pro, Flash, and a tablet

Jun 13, 2012

A lot of junk

I haven’t been very diligent about drawing much, and I’ve been even less diligent about updating this blog with them (as if anyone follows it). But here’s some of the stuff I forgot to post until now:


Doodles 13

Spontaneous character drawings, two really old characters of mine (top-right), and Mulan, because I just got done re-watching that movie for the first time in a long time.
Made using:SketchBook Pro, Photoshop, and a tablet


Doodles 14
doodles 14 

Just a few small lame doodles: a couple Link interpretations, and the character on the right is for something a friend is doing.
Made using:SketchBook Pro, Photoshop, and a tablet


Wario and Waluigi
Waluigi and Wario wm 01.00

Two of my favorite Mario series characters. These two are absolutely hilarious together and I wish they'd get a game (or at least side-by-side roles in one other than a sports game). Waluigi is especially neglected and hated on, but I think he's a really funny character. Everybody cheating but him!
Made using: SketchBook Pro, Flash, and a tablet


Arrietty 01.03 wm

A picture of Arrietty for EL, who I saw the movie with when it came out here in the States.
I can't do anything in Photoshop to save my life, seriously. I hate this background. I really need to find some good ideas to start practicing from.
Made using: SketchBook Pro, Flash, and Photoshop


Batman and Robin
Batman and Robin 01.00 wm

Really rushed doodle of Batman and Robin (more-or-less based on their animated appearances, particularly the Animated Series). Meant as a really late birthday drawing for Gold.
I'm unhappy about how unpolished and lame this looks, but I did sort of blast through it without thinking much. Not my best effort.
Made using: SketchBook Pro, Flash, and a tablet



Fi’s Theme

Fi's Theme from Zelda: Skyward Sword. Some of it sounds wrong to me, I probably got some of the chords or harmonies wrong. Oh well.


Shady Neighborhood

For a game I'm making, when you wander into a neighborhood in the city that's dim and unfamiliar.


Storm Eagle

Storm Eagle from MegaMan X. I did this from memory, using no reference. I'm usually not nearly good enough to remember songs exact enough to re-create them without reference, but some of these songs got so deep into my brain I can sometimes do it.


The Legend of Groose

Just did it when I was bored. Groose's theme made in the style of the original Zelda overworld (in FL Studio, so it's REALLY technically not 8-bit).


The Master Sword

Just messing around with some instruments. This music is played when you get the Master Sword in most Zelda games it's in.



My rendition of the Dawn/Sun's Song from the Zelda series, which usually plays at dawn (and sometimes at will).


Geez. I really need to organize myself.until next time.